“We are unfinished beings, always evolving and in the process of completion.”

With her unique use of colour, form, and pattern, Erin creates paintings that are full of contrast between light and dark, thick and thin stroke, and transparent and opaque colour. Each motion on the canvas evokes a different feeling, leading the viewer’s eyes with expressive scribbles and abstract forms. Using a variety of media in each piece, Erin explores the ways in which different materials influence texture with thick application and overlapping.

Erin wishes that her pieces open up a dialogue with the viewer, allowing them to relate to her artwork.


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If you had the chance to live during a different artistic movement other than now, which one would you choose?

I would say Dadaism which was a movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century. The Dada movement consisted of artists who rejected the logic, reason, and aestheticism of modern capitalist society, instead expressing nonsense, irrationality and anti-bourgeois protest in their works. I would love to have been a part of the birthing of individualism pushed further and questioning what is art actually.

What inspires you?

What inspires me? Life, living organisms, trees, humans, people watching, holding hands, hair blowing in the wind. rain storms, nature, God's voice, bare feet, love making, steaming warm coffee, a smile, a heated debate, laughing uncontrollably, tickling someone, a meaningful article I’ve read., this list never ends. Being present and receiving what is in front of you and pouring out exactly what you need to in the moment is constant inspiration.

If you could choose a theme song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A theme song for the rest of my life…I'm going to have to say it would honestly have to be a mix tape of every genre.... From blues, to opera, to gospel, to electronic, to hip hop to folk, trance and orchestra… and sometimes no music at all. Dead silence for certain moments, This life is nothing dull.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Please explain your choice.

If I could live anywhere in the world, where would it be…and why..I would like to live in Bordeaux, France on the hillside in an old castle with vineyards and lots of land with some horses and a place to roam and provide an escape for my friends and family. A painting heaven and creative space where I we can create beauty and experience and heal one another. Over and over.

If you could interview a creative person (past or present), who would that person be?

I would interview Harriet Tubman and Joan of Arc. I want to hear their voices and the intricate details of how they stayed in faith until the end.

If you could change one aspect of our society through your work, what would it be?

I hope to change in general the equality of male and female artist represented world wide. Only 13.7% of living artists represented by galleries in Europe and North America are women. A recent survey of the permanent collections of 18 prominent U.S. art museums found that the represented artists are 87% male and 85% white. We have work to do.

What do you wish to accomplish with your art?

I want to continually sell my work world wide and advocate stronger for the arts and continue to develop a system to support artists more proficiently and accommodating in our current society.

If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend your day?

24 hours to live, I would make it possibly for my whole family and friends which are all over the map to come together for a day of laughter and joy and have one last dinner all together and cherish our lives and celebrate what we’ve shared on earth, telling stories and playing music.

When was the first time that you remember realizing that you are a creative person?

I would say at a very early age around when my sister, our next door neighbor friend and I would gather all the neighborhood kids and write a collaborative play with costumes, music and scenery. We’d create the whole experience for all the parents in our front yard. I knew then I was destined for creating.

Why are you an artist?

I was born an artist, from my mother’s womb I had creation in my blood. My father is a musician, my mother a writer/poet, musicians, painters, writers, and beauty runs abundantly in my family. I couldn’t escape it.

Do you do anything special to get your "creative juices" flowing?

I dance. I sing. I play my baritone uke. I mostly dance though. I pray. I meditate. I dance.

If you had the opportunity, what creative person (living or dead) would you like to work with?

I would have liked to work with Auguste Rodin. I find it wildly fascinating how he ran business the way he did. I would also have loved to work with Gustav Klimpt when he ws mentoring Egon Schiele and wear the robes he wore on the daily.

What’s your weirdest secret?

My weirdest secret… hmmm. Well…I love peeling lemons and eating them like oranges, is that weird enough?

What do you focus on when you create?

I truly believe art is a dialogue with the piece you are creating. Give and take. Listen and speak. I focus on really listening and being present.

Evan Wei-Haas

Evan has worked with numerous successful organizations and specializes in creative, cost effective digital solutions. He will communicate with you closely, every step of the way, and will obsessively work to ensure your success and confidence through beautiful, modern design.

